Welcome to the InSpero Medical Patient Portal!

Erin is currently out of the office with a family emergency. Please reach out to Heidi in her absence. 

Starting the week of Monday 4/22 our office will be CLOSED Monday 4/22 - Dr. Tereza, Erin AND Heidi will all be out of the office for the week. Kirsten will be the only one in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and will need more time to process portals. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. 

Regular Business Hours

Our office is open Monday - Thursday 8 am to 4 pm. We are closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Portals are not checked outside of these hours. 

If you are having an acute issues please either call 911, go to Urgent Care or contact your Primary Care Physcian's office. 

If you need a presciption refill, please contact the pharmacy to request it and they will send us a refill authorization. 

Please do not send duplicate portals to multiple staff members. All staff can see, read and respond to ALL portals no matter who they are addressed to.

Thank you. 

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